Mysha Khetan
At what age did you start your knitting/crocheting journey? 🧶
at the age of 11.
Who taught you the art of knitting/crocheting?
My mom’s friend’s mom taught me.
Throughout your knitting/crocheting journey, who has been your biggest cheerleader and supporter?
How long have you been weaving yarn magic with your needles and hooks?
3 months.
What types of yarn make your knitting/crocheting projects truly shine? Any particular favorites? 🌈
Plush Yarn / Velvet Yarn
Have you ever attended any knitting/crocheting workshops, classes, or events to enhance your skills? 🎓
Have you noticed any positive effects on your mental health through your knitting/crocheting practice? 🌻
We all make mistakes! What are some common knitting/crocheting mishaps you've encountered, and how did you rectify them? 🙈
Sewing expressions and parts.
Are there any knitting techniques or stitches that you find particularly challenging or intriguing? 🔍